Let’s talk…

For me, the best part about this blog is reading all your comments. I love hearing about your own perrils of parenthood, marriage and life in general. It makes me feel good knowing we’re all together on this crazy journey called life.

Many times, I’ve been asked if I’d be willing to write on a certain topic. I’m almost always more than happy to do so… almost always!

Also, if you’re interested in shamelessly promoting yourself or your company on my blog, drop me a line… we can work something out.

And lastly, if you’d like me to write my own deep thoughts for you, I can do that too. And believe it or not, I can tame ‘er down a bit. I’m versatile like that!

Drop me a line at:  redwhinediaries@gmail.com

OR follow me on FaceBook, under “Red Whino”


Red Whino

4 thoughts on “Let’s talk…

    • Thanks Leigh!
      Lexapro and wine, eh?… I think you’re on to something! Sounds like the perfect cocktail!
      And glad you share my sense of humour… if maybe a little worrisome that there are others like me out there?!? 😉
      Red Whino

  1. I love the idea of ur blog, I am a new house wife and going out of my mind from boredom. So reading ur stuff sounds fun. Thank u
